
This group meets to make quilts that are used for prayer quilts within our church as well as provide quilts for other groups. If you would like to join this ministry, please contact the church.

The church participates in the annual community Crop Walk. Church members get pledges for walking and the proceeds go to help end hunger.

Many members of the congregation work at the local Food Pantry, as well as monies that are donated to this local charity.

The New Life Pregnancy Resource Center in Gaylord encourages, equips, and inspires individuals in their choice for life.
They are a non-profit organization which is supported by grants, and by individuals, churches, groups, and civic organizations concerned with the welfare of pregnant women and teens.

Gaylord Methodist Church is pleased to announce that we have enrolled in the State of Michigan's Adopt-A-Highway program. The AAH program is designed to help keep the state's highway roadsides clean and attractive. Volunteers are making a difference in their communities, as well as helping MDOT crews keep the roads clean and safe. The stretch of road which GMC is responsible for is from Murner Road (by Hobby Lobby) to Pinecrest Rd (Past Meijer) on M-32. If you would like to volunteer with the next clean up, Please contact Craig Sisco at ausablefisher@gmail.com.

Gaylord Methodist Church and several other churches have joined to provide housing and food for the homeless of Gaylord.
Please contact the church if you would like to volunteer for this outreach project.

Those who struggle with unemployment, homelessness, or even underemployment face a difficult road just to provide basic necessities, but the Caring Closet is a resource for those in need to get everyday items, free of charge.
The house that holds the Caring Closet, (905 N. Center Ave. in Gaylord), was donated, free of all expenses, by Ron Czinki, providing them a place to continue the much needed services to the community.

Embrace Grace
Embrace Grace exists to help inspire and equip the church to love and encourage single and pregnant young women and their families. Women experiencing unexpected pregnancies receive practical, spiritual, and emotional support through our global support groups.
Through our message of love, we are helping women see that they can have their baby and their dreams too! Being pro-life is a stance, a belief system, a vote. And it’s important. But being pro-love is an action, the boots on the ground, the hands and feet of Jesus, the church. Together, we can make abortion unthinkable.

This home is established for women recently released from incarceration and has been the recipient of money as well as many donations of clothes and household goods.