Adult Ministry
Spiritual + Personal Growth
BYKOTA Adult Sunday School
The BYKOTA (Be Ye Kind One to Another) Adult Class will begin a study of Max Lucado’s book, “You Were Made for This Moment,” which is about the Persian Queen Esther, who kept her Jewish identity a secret until a royal decree was given to annihilate the Jewish people. We will learn how she spoke out and stood up and how God used her to save the nation. Her courage changed
the course of history, and we can learn that God will do the same for us. Like Esther, we can be staring down a seemingly impossible situation, but God will deliver us, and will right the wrongs of this world. We will learn how to stand
up and speak out like Esther, and it will give us an opportunity to join with God in His work.
Class begins January 5th 2025 in Room 109 at 10:30am and meets each Sunday.
All adults are welcome to attend.

Tuesday Prayer Group
This prayer group is open to ALL! Mason Buckingham and Pastor Paul leads a prayer group which meets weekly, every Tuesday at 12:15pm in Narthex (the hallway next to the Sanctuary).
The purpose of this group is to gather at the church to lift the needs and concerns that people have. We invite you to come and fellowship with us. When we gather, we certainly pray for each other and the needs within our church family, but we also pray for those who have experienced disasters, conflicts around the world, and for leaders within the church and in our world.
Respect for each other is a core understanding with-in the group.
We do not require that any person within the group must pray aloud. Their presence among us is enough to encourage us in an attitude of prayer. It is open to all who wish to attend. Join Mason, Pastor Paul and others Wednesdays - an exciting opportunity to serve Christ and your church family!

Encountering God Wednesday Service
Facilitated by Paster Jeremy Touroo and Jordan Kettlewell, Encountering God meets the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:15 pm.
Join us in the Sanctuary for an intimate worship experience and message, followed by an open discussion.
Invite someone you know to join you. It is a worship service
different from our regular worship experience.
A Bead and a Prayer
Bead and a Prayer is a beginner’s guide to using Protestant prayer beads. A lot of people struggle with prayer. God recognizes our inability to focus and our inadequacies. We will learn how to use the prayer beads as a tool reminder and roadmap to prayer. We will discuss how to listen for that Still Small Voice using the beads as a tool to keep us focused and a reminder to keep our prayers flowing.
This 4-week study will take place each Monday at 1:00pm, beginning March 3rd. Each participant will choose their own beads and make their own set of prayer beads. Books are provided and the cost is $5 each. Bring your own beads or choose from the leader’s collection. Sign up today!

Care + Support
"Reflections for the Grieving Soul" Grief Support Group
Facilitated by Melanie Riling, this group meets on Fridays at 2:00pm in the Church Library. The group is starting a NEW 3-week study from, "Imagine Heaven" by John Burke on March 14th, 2025.
There will be no class on March 7th.
All of us long to know what life after death will be like. Bestselling author John Burke is no exception. In Imagine Heaven, Burke compares over 100 gripping stories of near-death experiences (NDEs) to what Scripture says about our biggest questions of Heaven: Will I be myself? Will I see friends and loved ones? What will Heaven look like? What is God like? What will we do forever? What about children and pets?
This thrilling journey into the afterlife will make you feel like you've been there. It will forever change the way you view the life to come and the way you live your life today. You'll discover Heaven is even more amazing than you've ever imagined.
If you are interested in being a part of this group, please contact the church office: (989) 732-5380.

Weight Loss God's Way
Have you prayed for a healthier lifestyle and body? You aren’t alone.
Join us Tuesday, April 1st, 2025 for a 4-week Weight Loss program based on Scriptures. We have the very power that lifted Christ from the grave, if we just have the faith, to dip into and make us successful.
Discover an all-new weight loss approach with simple, easy-to-follow, daily readings and activities inside this 28-day devotional and Bible study. Uncover the patterns that have kept you overwhelmed, unhealthy, and overweight, plus how to break those strongholds. End your cravings along with guilt shame cycles by applying Biblical truths to set you free for life.
The study books are about $14 each. If you don’t want to keep yours and don’t write in it, you may return you book to me at no charge.
Join us and we will deploy as a strong group of believers in Jesus Christ, strengthening our faith and getting our bodies healthy.
Cancer & Friends: Cancer Support Group
The Cancer & Friends Support Group welcomes and assists cancer patients, survivors, spouses, friends, family members and professional and unpaid caregivers.
Our purpose is to see that no one feels alone at this point in their life.
We want you to know we are here for you, three-fold, in body, mind and spirit. We are here to help you travel the rough roads, even climb those mountains. We do not give medical advice but we will be here to comfort you, give you friendship and
as much information as we can. We will always try and help you to keep a smile on your face.
This group meets every 3rd Tuesday of the month, from 3:30pm-5:00pm in Room 102.

Aging with Grace
This is a small group Bible Study for seniors (ages 60+), facilitated by Reverend Barry Sweet. This group meets every Thursday, from 2:30pm-4:00pm in the Fellowship Hall of the church.
Our winter study will continue the book of Genesis. New members are always welcome to join our group!
We enjoy deep, meaningful discussions during our gatherings. We guarantee laughs, perhaps a tear, and there will always be food!
Join us as we share together how we can best serve and use our God given gifts while aging with Grace.

Betrayal Trauma Group
This Betrayal Trauma group is designed for women who have experienced relational wounds by either caregivers, significant others, or institutions.
This group is rooted in both clinical and Biblical wisdom and will offer a community, healing and tangible tools you can walk away with each week. It is facilitated by two licensed clinical therapists who specialize in trauma treatments.
This is a closed group and will be limited to 10 women. Sessions will be held for six consecutive Mondays and will begin April 7th, 2025 from 6:00-7:30 p.m. at the Gaylord Methodist Church.
Registration cost is $125 and will cover all six weeks, course materials and light snacks. Registration closes March 31st, 2025.
If registration cost is of concern, you might be eligible for sponsorship. To register or if you have questions about sponsorships, please email or call Jessie Thompson at Jessie@lastingpeacecounseling.org or 989-546-9416.

Fellowship + Connection
Holiday House Crafts
This group is for anyone who enjoys fellowship while completing art and craft projects. Each person brings and works on their own projects. Our members paint, knit, crochet, do needlework, sew and much more. We share and teach each other our skills. All of the crafts we make are donated to the UMW Holiday House and UMW Alpenfest luncheons craft table. No need to commit to being present every week, just as your schedule allows. All are welcome; come check us out.
The Holiday House Craft Group meets every Tuesday, 9:30am-Noon in Room 109 downstairs in the church.​

"Hands & Feet: Serving in the Name of Jesus" Group
Facilitated by Craig Cisco. Want to get your hands dirty for your congregation? We are starting a monthly group to do miscellaneous projects around the church and possibly the community to spread the word while we lend a helping hand. Can join one project at a time or commit to ongoing monthly projects.
We will meet at the church before a project to get organized and a quick devotional moment. Looking to start one up for spring cleanup around the church. Items will include
washing outside windows, cleaning pews, maintaining mulch gardens, etc. If interested, please contact Craig Sisco at ausablefisher@gmail.com.

Painting Class
Painting Class: Every Saturday at 9:00am in the Fellowship Hall! Claudia Chambers will be teaching painting with colored pencils, water-color painting, and acrylic painting. You don’t need to have any experience to join. Claudia will discuss class supplies and costs with those that sign up. Class space is very limited so sign up early to assure a place at the learning table. To sign up, please contact Sharon Greenhoe: (517) 331-2088.

The Methodist Players
John Panci has agreed to lead a group interested in a little theatrics. No previous experience necessary; the only requirement is that you have a little hambone.
Meeting time and day of the week will be determined by the group. If you have always secretly wanted to perform in a skit, holiday production or play, just complete a connection card and join in the fun. John will contact you with first meeting details. There are not first performance plans. The group will make those decisions together. Come on, don’t be shy; join the fun!

Veterans Coffee
Calling all Military Veterans! Join us Tuesday mornings from 9:00am-10:30am in the Fellowship Hall for coffee and refreshments with like-minded men and women who have answered the call to serve our great nation. Veterans of all ages and walks of life are welcome to join. Let us give back to all of you who have given so much for us!

Pinochle Group
Hosted by Craig Sisco and Debbie Altman, this small group meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 2:00pm.
A time of Christian fellowship, devotion
from the Upper Room, and a rousting game of Pinochle along with an abundance of laughter is shared. All Pinochle players are welcome to join. Please contact Craig Sisco at ausablefisher@gmail.com if you are interested.

Dinner & A Movie: Building Better Relationships
"Dinner and a Movie" meets the third Saturday of each month.
Movies will always be a Biblically-based choice and family-friendly. Our Potluck meals have never disappointed anyone. No one goes home hungry. Please click the "I Want to Join" tab below, and we will notify you of the upcoming date, time, and movie choice. All are invited to join us.

The Diner's Club
This group is arranged with three to four couples or families paired for 4 months, enjoying monthly dinner and fellowship, rotating to each of the families’ homes (or location of your choice.) At the end of the four months, you would be shifted to a new set of three or four families. Families that wish to include children for bonding with other church families with children will be paired.
Couples, singles, all adults will be grouped together. Members can request the family group, the all-adults’ group or either group.
The Diner’s Club is an opportunity to meet in the comfort of homes, break bread together, enjoy the fellowship of other Christians. Getting to know acquaintances better, meeting new friends, learning about their families and their lives offers the opportunity to make and enrich life-long friendships.
Each group of families will decide their calendar and dining locations.